CLE on Preparing Witnesses Hosted by Caesar Rivise
Posted on May 22, 2017 in Events
Caesar Rivise, PC is hosting a CLE entitled “Preparing Witnesses to Testify / Strategies for Successful Deponent and Witness Preparation” presented by Michael A. Biek of DecisionQuest.
This one-credit CLE is being provided on May 22, 2017 from noon-1pm at the CR offices at 1635 Market Street, 12th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
Jurors form opinions and impressions of witnesses that influence their decision making in court. There are many communication strategies in which litigators can use to help prepare their witness to effectively convey their message to their audience. This course will provide entertaining and useful information on effective witness preparation and performance issues. Additionally, this course will provide techniques and skills to prepare witnesses when testifying in court. Furthermore, there will be a discussion on the use of different types of demonstrative evidence. Lastly, there will be a brief discussion on the admissibility issues regarding the use of demonstrative evidence. From understanding jurors’ information processing to jurors’ expectations to effective witness preparation, in the end, litigators will have a concrete foundation of the importance of clear and effective communication in court.
There is no cost for attending. Please contact 215-567-2010 for further information.